Tuesday, September 4, 2007


If you've bothered to look outside the window these days, you've probably noticed the summer is gone. All those rainy days, trees getting naked and vineyards coming to life can only mean one thing: the autumn is here. Finally. Heat is overrated anyway.

Autumn means chestnut picnics, young wine, wonderful colors and funny noises that dry leaves make when you walk through them. It definitely is the most romantic time of the year, unlike spring with all the cheesy blossom valentines overkill. Autumn is more subtle and intuitive: a bit of melancholy, long walks on rainy days and some music to fit the taste.

is quite perfect for opening of a new season. The stunning singer never stops to amaze and always leaves you wanting some more. I wonder why...


Centrifuzija said...

Ne, ne, ne. September je prestar, prepočasen in sploh čuden. Tole se zdaj posluša: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Lrct3HwJfM8
Absolutni koncertni hit.

Karmen said...

Cuonting days je fenomenalen uplifter in zagotovo ga bom vrtela že na naslednjem žuru. Love it!

Za mojo romantično dušico pa bodo v jesenskih večerih September, Silence in malo Edit Piaf več kot dovolj.....

Black Betty said...

Men je september dbest. Sem si ga te dni tudi vrtela v winampu. No tudi counting days ni izostajal ;)

Komi čakam "naslednji" žur.Čeprav nikoli nisem zares doživela njegovega predhodnika. cherry what about mailing lista? novičke? čakamo!!

Anonymous said...

*Jezno cepetanje z nogami*
Prehitela si me s tem komadom! Ravno včeraj sem premišljevala, da ga moram dat na blog. :)
No, ga bom pa posluašala na tvojem ... :)

Karmen said...

Betty, naslednji žur je žal rahlo zaprte narave, but there'll be many more coming up soon. Te obvestim.

@pina daj raje kaj turškega, tko za vzdušje ;)

Anonymous said...

Ne maram jeseni. Zdi se mi, da nekaj umira, da diši po koncu… Ne maram koncev. Tale pesem pa res vzbudi občutek jeseni v meni… ;)



Karmen said...

Še en dokaz, da so okusi različni.

Meni jesen diši po ljubezni, konjaku in dobrih filmih :)