Thursday, October 25, 2007


Forget Facebook, there's Tastebook, Valley's another interesting startup. This one is for everyone who likes cooking or know someone who likes it. The concept of Tastebook reminds me a little bit on Coolinarika's system, but then again Coolinarika is not only about cooking.

Unlike Coolinarika's offer to print the recipes in a book format and order a book cover from them, Tastebook offers you the whole book for about 25 EURO's. Not so bad and the design is quite catchy too.

I think I'm willing to try it. If nothing else, I can add some of my mom's recipes and give it to her in a book-form as x-mas present. Priceless.

P.S: Two drawbacks: Website is in flash & they don't send Tastebooks outside US :(


Pina said...

Huh, to bi bilo ravno zame in moj razvijajoči se gospodinjsko-kuharski čut.

Pina said...

Ko boš sprobala, sporoči, kako je.
(lahko tudi v obliki vabila na večerjo, da se res prepričam, če je dobro) :)

Karmen said...


Willing to fly to dinner from Turkey :)?

Pina said...

Absolutno! :)

Karmen said...

Pina, you're on!

December ok? Pa prnes pokazat fotke tistih 20000 protestnikov pod tvojim oknom :D

Dobra ideja za film: Pod tvojim oknom
(se dogaja revolucija) ;)