Jota, Jinx, Betty, Lonely Rider and me were enjoying every tune played and I was kinda sorry for being such a cheap bastard and not buying the tickets. So here is a little appetizier of my three favorite songs to listen during my teens. They were the kind of songs you would play on repeat a dozen times and would constantly embarres yourself in front of the DJ, asking to play them again. And again.
Niet: lep dan za smrt
Rage against the machine: Killing in the name of
Depeche mode: Personal Jesus
Ihihi, it was fakingfabulous! :)
yeaj, rub it in :P
ej, čeri, jest sem hotla uporabt ta naslov :D
ja fajn je blo. še takih koncertou.
škoda, k ne berem misli, pol bi se lahko pohvalila, da sem ti ga direkt iz sivih celic sunila :)
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