My last week was dedicated to
hip hop music whichI like a lot but rarely get a chance to listen to some good one. There are not so many
hip hop artists that have something interesting to say beyond having sex, geting wasted and hanging out with their "homies". All of these I can get out of reading blogs, but when it comes to music, I need more.
I must say I prefer Balkan hip hop not only because of the juicy language but also because there is a great amount of political in their content and as Bosnian artist
Edo Maajka says: Balkan language was just made for rap :) So last week I saw three great concerts with some really cool bits.
Elemental, Croatian hip hop group that exists for ten year already has released four albums so far. The concert was a total knockout and they really put a lot of energy in their performance, not to mention the communication with the audience. Loved them! Will definitely go to see them again live.

The Beat Fleet is another great Croatian hip hop group that flirts with rock, reggae and ska music, unfortunately I was too tired to fully enjoy their concert. They exist for 18 years and have released three albums so far. Guys surely know their beats and were a pleasure to listen to.

The last, but not least was the excellent Bosnian artis
Edo Maajka, one of my absolute favorites when it comes to overall impression. He released four studio albums so far and one Soundtrack. Not only is he extremely lovable and positive, he knows how to bring out the best in the audience. We were screaming, whistling, dancing and singing, even the major of Ljubljana went to see his concert. Unfortunately the videos I made have bad audio quality because I was standing too close to the stage. Can you blame me ;)?
In comparison to the previous two concerts this one was
not in the sauna held outside which probably brough some points to the great atmosphere. It was definitely one of the best concerts I've been to lately. He's the kind of artist you can't help adoring.

Videos coming up soon.
Ok, ko bo naslednjič kaj takega, pleeeeeeease let me know!! ... ker mi vedno uspe zgrešit :S
Častim drink komurkoli, ki me opozori in zvleče s sabo!
Travelinka - absolutno! Ravno danes sem se spet naslajala nad Elemental, žal samo na Ipodu
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