It is quite usual for a woman to have a
shoe fetish. She can already own dozen pairs of shoes and still legitimately buy a dozen of new ones, because she "
doesn't have that particular model/color yet." Being a proud owner of few pairs of sneakers, sandals and boots I am realizing I am actually quite conservative when it comes to shoes. I prefer them simple, preferably black & white and without unnecessary glam & glitter.
Now I've already gotten used to all the hideous silver/golden/glittery sandals/sneakers that seemed to be popular lately
(even though I can't help wondering what would happen if they clicked the hills together three times....) I even got used to those weirdish hybrids between sport shoes and sandals.
What I can't understand is this new fashion of fancy hospital shoes. Do women really want to look like housewives or funky nurses from 60's?

Here's what I'm thinking: If they look like they're made for people with walking disabilities I'm pretty sure that's what you'll get if wearing them. But seriously.
ok, good to know. have removed these shoes from 'list of possible gifts for cherry's B-day'. good that you post these things, they were pretty high up on the list :))
Živjo, moje ime je Petra in sem obsedena z nakupovanjem čevljev oz. bolje rečeno teniskami. :)
Sicer se je obsedenost malce polegla, ker pač moje finančne zmožnosti ne dohajajo vseh mojih želja.
Ampak vseen pa ne štekam žensk, ki nosijo neke čevlje in se potem pritožujejo nad neudobnostjo. *roll eyes
Kar pa se tiče raznih dodatkov, kiča ipd...mnja, nein danke.
Lp, P.
Petra - mislim da se lahko vpiševa v skupni klub. Superg imam malo morje, ampak še vedno ne dovolj :)
Vedno ko kupujem nove pa se zgražam nad "izvirnostjo" ženskih modelov, ker po neki čudni logiki naj bi vsem ženskam bila všeč roza barva, metuljčki, srčki ipd. sranje.
Anede... in potem ko zagledam ene, ki so mi res všeč, pa opazim, da nimajo številke. Kar pomeni, da so druge babnce že vse pobrale, ali pa sem že zalutala na moški oddelek...phhh
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