So far I manage my new freelance life quite well, still 24 hours is just not enough to be able to squeeze in all the tasks, projects and leisure time activities I'd like to do. Luckily my budget is increasing, unfortunately so is the number of my responsibilities, the mess in my room and my non existing social life. I only wish my computer would be able to cope with my multitasking too.

But I do know that all work and no play, makes Cherry wanna send some fatal errors and request a reboot. Yes, I'm showing off :P
great pic, it summs everything up so nicely :D what about hamster season? :P
Chocolate freak, hamster is currently facing detention after few attempts to run away. But worry not, hamster stories are yet to come =)
hehe, uno tazgornjo vstopnico mam js tud. wiiiiiii! :) si kr zdele rezerviram visečo mrežo ;)
Sziget rules! Viseča mreža pa bo šla kar lepo z mano ;)
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