I consider myself quite lucky being able to speak a language so complicated. It's not only the pronounciation that is difficult (being so packed up with consonants) but all the rules you need to follow to put the words in to the right form.
If you're still not convinced just how complicated it really is, I recommend reading this funny article by Victor Irving:

Ja to jee pa res zajeban. Z smetan? :D
Betty, še huje je verjetno naročiti pico brez šunke z več gobicami ;)
ah, ni tko hudo, kot zveni :)
naj se enkrat tudi Angleži potrudijo, da jim ne bo vse na pladenj položeno.
marsikaj ironičnega bi se dejansko dalo povedati o njihovem enostavnejšem jeziku in kakšen besedni zaklad imajo tujci proti večini njihovih naravnih govorcev :P
v bistvu je res najlažje pivo naročit:
dve pivi, dve pive, dva piva - vse gre :)
I know 2 Slavic languages, but I don't understand any of those comments))))
But, I do like your blog, it's funny and quite positive)- just wanna to say it)
Hej Vincenzo - thanks a lot =)
Has found your blog because I was looking for a nice pics of Cecile de France))
But has found that you the interesting person, with similar thoughts on mine)) So hello. My name is Victoria (change from Vincenzo to my real name).
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