Friday, November 30, 2007

Indie friday with the Saund

Tonight I'm checking out the new indie place in Ljubljana on Zaloska 35. Actually the only official indie place in Slovenia as far as I know. Being genuine indie slut I've been really anxious about it since I heard the rumors about its opening.

Today the promise to treat us with a band that is playing songs of Franz Ferdinand, White Stripes, Arctic Monkeys and others. Indie after party included. So where are you gonna be tonight?


adj. said...

Aha, ex-Konkurenca, to je pa na mojem ex-koncu mesta. Fajn lokacija, zraven je železniška proga za adrenalinsko posedanje, picaburek pa preko puta... :)

Karmen said...

No, lepo vedeti, da ob izdatnem razmetavanju po plesišču ne bomo stradali :)

kat. said...

wow, kakšna novica :)

... ima još nade za sve nas ;)

Karmen said...

kejt - ima nade absolutno - sploh ker se v decembru odpira tudi Subsub, ki obljublja obilo urbanih ritmov, od indija do funka

kat. said...

na trubarjevi pa sem ravno danes opazila nov napis nad enim lokalom - "daktari" - hmmm, najssss...

Truefaith1963 said...

Sadly, at home in front of the TV.
Have a great night Cherry!!

Pina said...

Tole je pa prov Murphy Law of Opening the First Indie Bar Just When Pina Moves From Slovenia.

Uživaj še namesto mene ;)

urbanapodgana said...

o, super. vesela.

Anonymous said...

Franz Ferdinand?
THE Franz Ferdinand Karl Belschwitz Ludwig Josef von Habsburg-Lothringen?

I prefer the musical stylings of that Turbo-Folk artist Gavrilo Princip. His debut CD: "The Shot Heard Round The World" is just way cool!

Anonymous said...

zahtevam recenzijo. :P

Truefaith1963 said...

Does this make sense to any of you?

pišem po Slovensko

If it does PLEASE tell me what it says. I'm trying out a translator!


Karmen said...

The party was great and I'm still a bit destroyed from yesterday.
The new place is really cool and I'm definitely going again.

Justin - you wrote that you eat snails for breakfast ;)..just joking - it says that you can write in Slovenian.