Mushrooms might be the sexiest vegetable I've ever tasted. They are so tender, soft and....well delicious. They are quite simple to prepare to and go well with just about everything. Willing to try? This recipe is not mine - I got it at the picnic after bugging a cook. Nevertheless it was worth it. Presenting:
The mushroom sauce:- mushrooms
- butter
- sweet cream
- cheese
- salt
Braise cut & salted mushrooms on melted butter until they soften up. Add sweet cream and cheese. Boil for few more minutes and your sauce is ready. As simple as that. It goes well with pasta or cooked & grilled
If you want to make your meal a bit more fresh and healthy, make an
Autumn salad:
- red chicory
- tomato
- corn
- chic peas
- tofu
- olive oil
- vinegar
- salt

Bon apetit!
če daš šampinjončke popražit na malo olivnega olja in potem še notri narežeš šnito plesnivega sirčka... malo muškatnega oreščka... mmmmmm... ;)
tvoja omakca zveni dosti bolj zdravo :)
Enkrat bova res morale na obljubljeni kuharski maraton, kaj praviš?
Moje tortilje potrpežljivo čakajo, da si vzamem čas in jih napolnim. Upam, da boš pomagala pri njihovem praznjenju.
Huh, z veseljem bi poskusila tole, pa v Turčiji nimamo smetane??!??! Ne sladke ne kisle.
Potem pa kuhaj, pah. :)
Glede na to, da je gob v izobilju, pa se priporočam za kakšen nesmetanasto-plesnivosirni recept.
Pinči, a mleko imate?
Drugač bom pa naumila kaj veganskega :). kdaj že prideš v slo?
I'm really hungry now!!
Mushrooms do not go well with Jell-O.
I would also add garlic and black pepper to your Autumn Salad.
@justin - me too.
@rhet - garlic and black pepper are on the list. How about some onion too? I like those purple ones...
Purple or vidalia onions.
As long as we are all eating it, the resultant halitosis will not be noticed.
I live for food. And the occasional beverage.
rhet - halitosis is good as it keeps away the vampires ;)
I live for arts, although I must admit that good meals & drinks make me much happier :)
kmalu na mojem blogcu - 2 fotki tvoje omiljene zelenjeve "before the sauce and salads".
Mam na lagerju ;)
Aja, moj blog ima pa zdej "ime" -
MaaBee's "lightspot".
Počas' mi gre tole, kva čem ;)
cherry, ja :)
btw sem začela delat hummus in pečt kruhaste pogače. tale inflacija in njene cene so jeba, ampak dobra, hehehe.
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