Tonight I'm checking out the new indie place in Ljubljana on Zaloska 35. Actually the only official indie place in Slovenia as far as I know. Being genuine indie slut I've been really anxious about it since I heard the rumors about its opening.
Today the promise to treat us with a band that is playing songs of Franz Ferdinand, White Stripes, Arctic Monkeys and others. Indie after party included. So where are you gonna be tonight?
Aha, ex-Konkurenca, to je pa na mojem ex-koncu mesta. Fajn lokacija, zraven je železniška proga za adrenalinsko posedanje, picaburek pa preko puta... :)
No, lepo vedeti, da ob izdatnem razmetavanju po plesišču ne bomo stradali :)
wow, kakšna novica :)
... ima još nade za sve nas ;)
kejt - ima nade absolutno - sploh ker se v decembru odpira tudi Subsub, ki obljublja obilo urbanih ritmov, od indija do funka
na trubarjevi pa sem ravno danes opazila nov napis nad enim lokalom - "daktari" - hmmm, najssss...
Sadly, at home in front of the TV.
Have a great night Cherry!!
Tole je pa prov Murphy Law of Opening the First Indie Bar Just When Pina Moves From Slovenia.
Uživaj še namesto mene ;)
o, super. vesela.
Franz Ferdinand?
THE Franz Ferdinand Karl Belschwitz Ludwig Josef von Habsburg-Lothringen?
I prefer the musical stylings of that Turbo-Folk artist Gavrilo Princip. His debut CD: "The Shot Heard Round The World" is just way cool!
zahtevam recenzijo. :P
Does this make sense to any of you?
pišem po Slovensko
If it does PLEASE tell me what it says. I'm trying out a translator!
The party was great and I'm still a bit destroyed from yesterday.
The new place is really cool and I'm definitely going again.
Justin - you wrote that you eat snails for breakfast ;)..just joking - it says that you can write in Slovenian.
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