Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Lame ad

On my way to the market I stumbled upon this fail:

Seems that car ads are becoming more and more absurd. A bussiness god, throwing away money, a woman, happy because of the new car, and a satisfied man (because of the money?) do seem like a parody of happy modern family. Except they are not. This ad is for real.

I'm sure there are people who don't mind getting humiliated to get a new car. However, I liked car ads far more when they were like this.


Bada said...

Hahaha, good ad, the old one :D

mushu said...

true - adds are becoming more and more bizzare ... i liked the one with the singing dog - i think it was for ford (but cant check now, cause i have blocked acces on my working comp ;) ) hehehehe

JinX said...

Dear lord, so just throwing in random stock photography is OK nowadays? Reminds me of that window company ad that depicted throwing money out of the window with a showel. The text repeated the picture's message, of course, because we wouldn't get it otherwise =)