Tuesday, September 23, 2008

How to see a crappy movie in style

  1. Step one: let yourself be convinced to see exactly this movie, even though you wanted to see another one.
  2. Step two: Go to the cinema and buy the ticket instead of downloading the bastard from the web.
  3. Step three: Wait for something interesting to happen until the movie ends.
It is important to see a crappy movie every now and then, just to remember to go with your feeling the next time. Besides that - I think I had an Abba overdose.

In desperate need of good movie asap!


adj. said...

You poor little creature. Not comprehending the Beauty that is ABBA at all, do you? I feel sorry for you, I do, I do, I do, I do.

Centrifuzija said...

Mamma Mia! je krasn film! Ki ga še nakajkrat želim gledati v kinu. In se ga v kratkem tudi naučiti na pamet. Tako! :)

Karmen said...

Upam, da ga ne boš citirala, ker dvomim, da bi moj imunski sistem prenesel tako veliko dozo ;)

Centrifuzija said...

Bejbi, don't go wasting your emotion ...

Imam (no, pa ABBA tudi :)) boljši predlog:

the sun is still in the sky and shining above you
Let me hear you sing once more like you did before
Sing a new song, Carmensita


Anonymous said...

yes, it was appallingly bad. and so...
i don't want to talk
about things we've gone through
though it's hurting me
now it's history...


Karmen said...

lol - here I go:

knowing me, knowing you, there is nothing we can do ;)

Jotaeater said...

oo mamma mia, all crazy here! ;)

Anonymous said...

Kakshno stavo si pa zgubila, da si shla to gledat? In to v kino? =D

Anonymous said...

Now I'm even more convinced that I'm not going to see that movie :-)

Karmen said...


There are much better ways of spending that 5 euros and one is definitely Cacao's ice cream pleasures =)

Anonymous said...

OK, first of all, being a straight man, I'm sure that if I were to see Mamma Mia, my private parts would shrivel up and die like the guy in Raiders of the Lost Ark (yes, I'm an American).

Anyway, here are two more great things about seeing a crappy movie:

1) For the rest of your (or your friend's life, whoever dies first), you can apply either (a) an unending guilt trip upon your friend for making you see that dreck, or (b) merciless, unending teasing of said friend for their affinity for that dreck.

2) You need to see crappy movies to appreciate the good ones!

Karmen said...

Andy - I couldn't agree more! After seeing that poor excuse for a movie, I had to see a couple of really good ones.

In the end it was a month of really good movies =)