Thursday, June 5, 2008

Working from home rules!

After my first month of freelancing I have to say I absolutely love it! Of course it demands an amount of self - discipline, self - organization and good time management but once you get a hang of it everything you do becomes pure pleasure.

Here's why:
  • You can wear your pajamas to work,
  • You can take showers, brush teeth or make a face mask during work,
  • You can have breaks whenever you want,
  • You can eat proper meals when you're hungry,
  • You have time to cook, go to store and even do some housework in between,
  • You have more time to read,
  • You can afford a slow getting up, without any hurry,
  • You can go to concerts/events during the week without being worried when to get up the next day,
  • You can stay in during the rainy days,
  • You have more time for yourself and take a day off when all the work is done,
  • You can have excellent coffee/tea breaks exactly the way you want it.
I just love my work! Now excuse me, while I'm off for my coffee break... and listening to that Johnny Cash album for the x time :)


Anonymous said...

a pejdi v r... js pa gnijem tle v pisarni. time for a change, definitely.
btw - them choklits, where'd you get them? :)

Karmen said...

hej, nobody forbids you to make a change ;)

choklitz were a gift =)

Anonymous said...

Ja ok, sej smo ti fovš no. ;)

ahahah...So next time, ko dobiš povabilo za drink, ne bo obveznih sestankov? :P

Black Betty said...

neki sem hotla povedat, pa ne morm, ker sem ti res ful fouš.... ampak sej ti privoščim, glede na to kakšne odpuljke si imela kar se tiče tvojih služb. :D go girl.

Karmen said...

@petra - bomo drink planirali v večernih urah, ko ni sestankov

@betty - yes, ajfilgrejt ajfilfajn ajfiluonderful :) Sicer pa si se tut ti z novo službo razcvetela ko rožca ;)

adj. said...

Upam, da imaš dobro izdelano oceno tveganja, ker tole delovno okolje je... strašno, strašno.

Karmen said...

ja, dinozaver, sem preračunala vsa možna tveganja in ugotovila, da je "eternal happiness" in "too much positive energy" najhuje, kar se mi lahko zgodi ;)

Maruša Bertoncelj said...

Welcome to the club ;)

In nisem več kr naprej sama doma :)!

Anonymous said...

Ok, večerne bo še šlo...samo da niso pozne nočne ure :P

Drugač pa, mega, da se najdejo izjeme, ki so res zadovoljne s svojim jobom, ker tistih, ki se skoz neki pritožujejo in jambrajo je že tako preveč.

Luka said...

she malo pa bo betka tudi odcvetela kot rozca! :D pazi, pazi, kako skaces!

sicer pa cestitke o frilensanju.

Kat said...

As a student of University I can say I can nearly alwaysw work at home (for writing papers and homework)...
Most of the time I get distracted by other things though, and sometimes i work very inefficiently..

your way of work seems just great and who can say no to some chocolates and coffe/tee breaks :S

cool blog :D