My mom (aka the smartest women on Earth) recently told me that every time something in your life ends, you make space for something new to happen. And it's absolutely true in many ways besides finishing a bottle of wine and making space for prime time entertainment :)
Obviously April is my month of various endings, so naturally May will be the month of new beginnings. I better start following my own advice to take chances & make some changes. So instead of choosing the smoothest way I decided to take a step into the uncertainty and do something I longed for quite some time.
I know I'm gonna make it, simply because there is no other way.
Editors: An end has a start
jeejj...Editorsi:) Obožavam ta komadič:)
Drugač pa, ja jst sem se tud sprejela par odločitev in tak začnem (upam) v maju veselo denar zbirat, za stvari ki si jih takooo želim:)
In ja včasih imaš res filing, ko čutiš v kosteh, da ti bo ratal, da mora ratat, ker druge variante sploh ni:)
Ahh ja, komi čakam dan, ko bom vseselo stegnila fakiča vsem, ki še zmeri dvomijo vame...bbuuahahahaha ;)
hehehe, that's the spirit!
Oz. kot pravi Jimmy Carr: People who haven't got anything nice to say about it can fuck off! ;)
Great positive attitude Cherry!
The Editors are very good - I also really like that Sunscreen video!
Juhu. No vsekakor držimo pesti in ti želimo najboljše (hmm.. ne vem zakaj pišem v množini, očitno se tako zelooo cenim :D).
Enivejs, jest verjamem, da bi to uspelo. Če ne se pa v oblikovanje vrž. If I can do it, anybody can. :))
zgleda so planeti tako postavljeni, da vsi menjamo dlako to pomlad. ker smo vse fejst babe, ni kaj da nam ne bi ratalo.
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