Sunday, December 30, 2007


When I was a kid I'd associate bones with dogs and He-man & The Masters of the Universe (loved this cartoon and adored Flash Gordon). Skeletor was excellent antagonist but quite scary too.

My next bigger bones encounter was connected with Clarissa Pincola Estes and her book: Women Who Run with the Wolves. She put skeletons and bones in to completely different perspective: more profound, symbolic and therapeutic. I never finished reading the book though, just couldn't chew on her elaboration of really cruel experiment with dogs. But bones wouldn't go away only to show another, much more sincere, decadent yet melodic side. Not once, not twice but three times. Here's my favorite melodic bones threesome:

1. Depeche mode: Stripped

When I first heard Stripped, I was astonished: "Let me hear you make decisions without your television"... Bones never sounded so sexy before: "Let me see you stripped down to the bones." It's still one of my favorite songs, whether in original or Rammstein remake version.

2. The Killers: Bones

Then there were The Killers- their first album was a blast, a second one was a slight disappointment and the third one - well I guess they ran out of new material so they republished their previous stuff and made some remakes. I still love the band and their work but can't help hoping they'll take more time to make their next album. I'd love to hear more of the new stuff - however this piece still is a pearl: "But I don’t really like you, apologetically dressed, in the best put on the heartbeat line..."

3. The Editors: Bones

The last but not the least are Editors, indie band from Birmingham who managed to live up to the expectations. Most of the bends who make a boom with their first album rarely succeed to repeat that success with the second one.

But they managed that - their second album "An end has a start" is just as good if not even better as their first one: "In the Back Room". I have to see them live and the rumors say they might come to Slovenia in March. Please do, cause I'm dying to hear this live:
"In the end all you can hope for
Is the love you felt to equal the pain you've gone through..."


Anonymous said...

The Editors in Slovenia? Can I reserve a place in your entourage?

Jotaeater said...

gledam marec pa so vsi datumi skor zasedeni, tko da SLO dvomim =) na dunaj pa jest verjetno tut picim...

Karmen said...

no, Dunaj ni slaba opcija, sploh pa imamo še neke kupončke za hostel, ki jih je treba izkoristit :)

Anonymous said...

Hojla! js pa sem si danes ravno potegnila dol prvo sezono (kar obetavne) nanizanke Bones.....
Ja, Editorsi bodo (spet) videni na Dunaju. Mi pa tudi.
Lepo praznuj!


Anonymous said...

A broken bone can heal, but the wound a word opens can fester forever.

Anonymous said...

waooo...toti komad "Bones"...waoooo.... MEGA MEGA KOMADIČ:))

Karmen said...

A Editorsi?

Anonymous said...

V bistvu si po zaslugi te objave že cel dan pojem od Killersove kosti:) (hvala mi vsaj tiste žajfaste melodije šle ven iz glave) :S ...Drugač pa tud tale od Editorsov ni slaba...moj PC že lowda ;)

Anonymous said...

zakaj je link do tele objave med mojimi prihajajočimi povezavami;P?

Anonymous said...

aja, še to, baje ful ne marajo, če se jih kliče THE editors ... :)

Karmen said...

gyzar - i dunno - ker mi nisi pustil/a link do tvojega bloga I know even less ;)

mnjah, še dobro, da ne znajo slovensko, kajne ;)?