But enough about the government, Brussels is an excellent place for shopping. Please note that shopping wasn't one of my original plans but my friend made it almost impossible to avoid. After warning him I might need some control in Ikea, he'd instantly put my mind at ease: "Don't worry about not being able to bring back stuff you buy 'cause I'm coming to Ljubljana in two weeks and I can bring it to you then."
Well, that's not really the control I had in mind but why argue, the shopping master has spoken. Too many stores had my name written all over them and I'm lucky to have left my credit card at home. We had to stop for a bio snack to be able to continue the shopping adventure.

The only disappointment was to discover there are no lesbian bar in Brussels. Outrageous! The only one that was mentioned was open on Wednesdays. Party on Wednesday? But seriously. Nevertheless I had great time and will go back for sure. After all they do have about 300 hundred brands of beer I haven't tried out yet ;)
Morning view from the balcony
Evening view from the balcony
My bed for the weekend
Next stop: Berlin.
I'm sure you slept like a baby with that Ikea lamp standing by... :)
The "snack" looks dreadful. Stick with the beer.
aaaaaa fouš, fouš, fouš!
When are you visiting Ireland??
dino - not only that i bought myself one too. Shame on me supporting children labour :P
@pina- me2
@Justin - I'm actually planning to visit my friends in Belfast sometime next year, not sure when though...
No, no, no, no, no
Wrong end of the country!!
I meant The Republic!!! (3 expanlation points)
uuuu vidim, da si se mela luštn!
isn't brusseles the most boring city on planet?
Cherry - PLEASE tell me what programme to run Control on - I can't get it to load on ANYTHING!!!
@justin -I dunno really. have to get into the country for starters and will figure it out from there on. Try watching the movie in WIN DVD player or some other dvd player. Even Windows media classis or nero should do.
@jota - pasalo je =)
@podganca - No, actually that would be my hometown. Brussels is quite ok, but of course it's nothing like Berlin.
And i agree with dinozaver - about the "snack" and the "beer" thing ;)
Besides, beer IS food as well!
You didn't bring me any chocolate though ... :(
Snacks might look dreadful but were in fact extremely tasty.
As it is for chocolate - you can't leave me with chocolate and expect it won't dissapear ;)
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