I am so not a Monday person. If it would be up to me, I'd skip working Mondays altogether and have 3 day weekend. Unfortunately that is not the case so I trick myself into making Mondays easier by playing one of my favourite bands/songs.
This week is kinda special to me as this Saturday I get to play music on one of my favourite parties. Special week, special party, special song. This one I play every single time on every single party and it still does the thing for me. It is kinda hard to decide though with all the great songs they've made.
Too bad I never saw them performing live and never will. I guess you can't have it all. Here it is:
Joy Division: Love will tear us apart
Je sobotna lokacija skrivnost? :)
p.s.: Komad je pa itak klasično dbest ...
Nikakor ni skrivnost za tiste, ki vedo ;)
Je pa res na pol zaprte narave, zato ti pošljem več informacij na mejl
čuj....ti boš vrtela musko oz. ti jo vrtiš??...kakorkoli :))
Petra, nisem ziher, da razumem razliko med prvim in drugim ampak ja, oboje.
Sicer pa ne bom sama, ampak v timu še z dvema Djkama, tko da me boš slišala samo, če si med bolj nočnimi pticami, ker vrtim zadnja ;)
hehehe...najboljše pride čisto na koncu..kot vedno;)...no mogoče pa pridem ujet kakšen komad;)
le pridi pogledat, ja
priložnostiza take žurke so redke :)
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