- MacBook or MacBook pro. Depends on my ability to save money. Or win lottery.
- Zen is alternative to Apples iPod which I happen to like more than original. I'm a sucker for design, plus the name is quite catchy too. (Un)fortunately my old mp3 player is still very much alive and kicking so I guess I'll have to wait for a while before purchasing new one.
- A bean bag. Since I hardly ever user chairs and spend most of my time in the bed, bean bag sounds like a perfect piece of furniture for me. If only there weren't so damn expensive.
- One of those old-timer refrigerators. I just can't resist 50's and 60's design styles (clothes are completely different story through), cool looking women targeted commercials and packaging.
- My own DJ equipment. Yes, I'll be one of those noisy neighbours who plays strange music all days and really loudly too. And you'll love it.
As far as my other non-material wishes are concerned they are still pretty much the same. To make most of my days, have time to spend with my friends, write, read and eventually move to the city of my dreams.
I wonder which of these is gonna take longer for me to achieve...
Upam, da do novega leta ne pozabim tvojih skromnih želja. (in se na moj novi turški bančni račun prilije nepričakovana vsota)
Chocolate cake will do ;)
jao... zdej si me pa spomnila na to kaj bi jaz mela....pa na komad: "Money, money, money
must be funny
in the rich man's world..." :S
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