Thursday, September 27, 2007

Bag of clichés' to go please

Clichés' are inevitable. When you talk to friends, colleagues, relatives or strangers they will just randomly pop out your mouth: How are you, what you're doing, have fun, wish you luck, happy new year, bless you and many many more.

Is it wrong to say all those things without thinking about it or meaning it? I think not. After all it is only a tool to start up a conversation or a cover up the fact you have nothing else to say. It might not seem so but clichés' can glue together fragile human relationships.

Let's say you run into an old friend. You had your disputes in the past and haven't heard from each other for some time. Eventually you let things go but now you don't know how to start or what to say. Clichés' sure come in handy. But does cliché remains cliché even when you really mean what you are saying? Can you tell the difference between being polite and sincere? Can clichés' hurt people when they mistake them for real feelings? Does that show they have a value?

There's something ironically cheap about them. Nevertheless I can't help wondering whether they don't hide a treasure underneath the faded surface. Even when it seems we don't really talk anymore but exchange clichés' instead.


Anonymous said...

Z enim prijatlom sva prišla do točke, da ko se najino druženje konča, enostavno rečeva ajt in greva vsak svojo pot. Pred tem so poslavljanja trajala celo večnost, v smislu A: ja... nč... ki pole... B: ja, ki vem, nč... A: se ga ki vidmo... B: ja... jutre A: bejn bo že ki... in ponavadi se je iz tega izcimila še kaka nova debata. Prav smešno.

Karmen said...

štrudl, pametno.

Jaz se z mnogimi še vedno poslavljam, kot da se nikoli več ne bomo videli.

kat. said...

hja, tudi poslavljat se je treba znat. mene slovo ugonablja še dandanes.

Anonymous said...

khmm...pri meni je pa tako, da včasih se mi ni bilo težko poslovit...tako da sem samo rekla "čau" in to je bilo to...nič objemov nič. V zadnjem času pa me prav zvija, če človeka ne objamem..vsaj nekaj tistih "posebnih" ljudi...

Karmen said...

@Kejt, I hate goodbyes too. Navadno se jim precej nespretno izognem, če se le da. I never know what to say. V takih primerih mi gre po glavi komad Silence is golden.

@Petra, dvomim, da je objem lahko kliše oz. bom raje rekla vsaj upam, da ne more postati. That would just be too much.

Anonymous said...

khmm...mogoče bi blo fajn če bi povedala celo zgodbo... ;)

amm...ja no na kratko...moj najboljši prijatelj me je full dolgo zafrkaval glede nekih mojih osebnih stvari...ampak vseeno, me je vedno objel (tudi če tega nisem hotla) v slovo.... No to je full skrajšana verzija. No in včasih sem imela filing kot da ga moram objet...ker drugače bi bila na koncu sem v vsakem primeru ostala sama...mah pustimo to ;)