Friday, July 6, 2007

Don't judge the book by its covers!

I already confessed about my everlasting love for books. Well, today and tomorrow I will become one of the books. Sounds strange enough?

The project living library will be happening whole weekend and even those of you, who don't really like to read can borrow a book from the library and talk to him/her. Ask whatever you always wanted to know about their stereotypes, but never really had a chance. And of course don't forget treat the books with respect and dignity they deserve.

Opening hours:

Friday: from 2 p.m. - 7 p.m.

Saturday: 10 a.m. - 6 p.m.

Sunday: 10 a.m. - 5 p.m.




kat. said...

pridna :)

Anonymous said...

pa ravno, ko me ni...

kat. said...

bjutiful, bravo!

Karmen said...

krasno je bilo!

Komaj čakam naslednje leto

Anonymous said...

Grrr, že drugič sem zamudila ...

Se lahko zmenimo za kakšen individualen obisk knjižnice izven obratovalnega časa? :)

Karmen said...

absolutno :)

Enega takega sem imela ravno včeraj

Anonymous said...

Odlično, potem pa se kar prijavljam :)

Kar povej, kdaj imaš čas - se bom potrudila, da tokrat RES pridem :S