So we tried some tortillas instead - small, cute and just a little bit spicy. Since we couldn't borrow "Tortillas for dummies" we just made up our own kind. What to put in?
A lot of Nachos, Parmesan, some random cheese and of course vegetables. It was after-Pride meal so we created our very own vegetable rainbow from:
- onion,
- tomatoes,
- peppers,
- aubergines,
- zucchini,
- corn.

you little liar!!! what about the chicken? there was chicken in those tortillas!!! don't you be telling people you ever saw me eat something WITHOUT meat in it!!!
Ok Ok, I admit - there was some chicken in some tortillas, especially yours.
Actually I am not sure if you had any of the vegetables at all?
Well, more left for me ;)
of course I had some veggies... not much (or is it many?! :P ), but I did... eh, who wants veggies, when there's meat on the table (other than you, of course) :P
Was I on the table? I guess the beer we had before lunch must have been really good.
Next time I'll take two :)
are you mocking me?! :O
se kar pustim povabit - tole zgleda preveč dobro, da se mi ne bi sljjinnne pocedile! 8-P
@devon: No, I wouldn't do that - I am too afraid of what your wife could do to me ;)
@kejt - there will be more of this for sure. Will let u know so keep it in mind :)
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