- Coffe and cigarettes ARE breakfast.
- Lunch counts as breakfast if you have it on empty stomach, right?
- Why waste time eating, when you can sleep longer?
And then something magical happened. No, not really. My ex's father had a very strong opinion that everyone should have breakfast. It was pretty much impossible to avoid eating in the morning. Jumping out of the window somehow didn't come accross as a very appealing option at that time. So I gave in.
And here I am now, a proud breakfast eater. Not only that, I made a whole ritual out of it. There is no day without breakfast. What I am going to eat very much depends on how I feel in the morning. But most of the times one of these two options will do the trick:
1.) Feelin' chewy: boiled eggs, bread & butter & salt, freshly squeezed orange juice
i used to just eat whaever i had in my fridge, but now i've discovered porridge and am addicted. i cook some oat meal in milk and add half a banana. it's great. you should try it some time :)
I did, but didn't enjoy it much.
It's too chewy and too dairy for my taste.
lovely egg cups, btw :D
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