Monday, July 28, 2008

Is you on holiday?

I tried to remember the last time I had two weeks of vacation. I mean real vacation, not the ones when you work at nicer places. I couldn't remember, so it's either never or about the freaking time to have one already! I wanted to wait another week but my body said "no" to my workaholic schedule. So a girl's gotta do what a girl's gotta do.

For the next few weeks I'll be on my vacation mode. Which means:
  • no internet, no phone (OK, I might cheat on the internet part a bit),
  • no work related stuff whatsoever,
  • have a good time,
  • visit old friends (and maybe make some new ones),
  • do something I've never done before (suggestions welcome),
  • go to a few concerts,
  • take photos (Japanese tourists style),
  • relax a lot.
This year I'm not doing any sun bathing. Intentionally. I guess that shouldn't be too difficult considering where I'm going.

Have a hint:

Now excuse me while I get my tired ass to that beer-relax-enjoy land :)


Anonymous said...

*v jok pa na drevo* Fovš, fovš...jst tud letos ne bom imela že n-to leto zaporedoma počitnic. :(

Aja imam pa neki predlogov za "to do something U've never done before" :) ...ampak to bo bolj tako, nisem zihr, če še nisi naredila tega (I don't know U that good): :)
1. bungee jumping
2. skok s padalom je vse kar se trenutno spomnim...?.. :/

Karmen said...

huh - sami adrenalinski športi, kaj? Nisem neka huda fenica metanja z višine tako, da bom verjetno raje probala kaj bolj preprostega :)

Anonymous said...

za začetek lahk dans zvečer prideš na palačinke, glede na moje cooking skills je tud to adrenalinski šport :)

Karmen said...

Fairy - will do so. Čalapinke so vedno dobrodošle :)

Anonymous said...

kaj pa je bilo narobe s koncertom mgmt?

na werchterju so bli kr fajn ...

Karmen said...

Hm, nobene komunikacije s publiko whatsoever več od apatičnega How are you niso spravili iz sebe

Vse dokler si pevec ni pri zadnjih dveh komadih nadel mavrično ogrinjalo - potem je celo dal nekaj življenja od sebe.

Moram reči, da so me Anti Flag, ki so bili pred MGMT dosti bolj impresionirali.