Sunday, February 17, 2008

Pet artwork

My hamster appears to have a good taste in clothes.
Hm....maybe he's trying to tell me something...


Anonymous said...

It's shape like heart:) Cherry in love??

Anonymous said... wait! Or maybe someone is in love with you?? hmm...

Karmen said...

Neither I'm afraid - but I obviously have a extremely skillful pet with exquisite taste.

He ate only my most expensive jeans and didn't even touch the "plain" and boring cotton clothes.

Anonymous said...

ahahah...naughty, naughty hamster just like his owner. :P

Maruša Bertoncelj said...

Wow, you didn't tell me it was in a shape of heart!!
Weird. Your hamster, that is ...


Truefaith1963 said...


Karmen said...

maruša@ - it was in shape of the heart alright, until i picked it up and took a closer look - it then miraculously turned into super massive black hole :)

@petra - he might have a thing for Zamia plant that is set near his cage - I noticed they are flirting all the time

Truefaith1963 said...

vesel rojstni dan

Anonymous said...

what? It's your B-day today?
No, vse naj naj tudi od mene. :) Pa lepo praznuj. ;)

teoo said...

hej ho, vse najboljše:)

Karmen said...

hvala :)