Today was absolutely the longest Monday in the past few years.
I need to Breathe:
Télépopmusik, a French electro group is what I call "instant meditation" or immediate ear balsam. Only two albums, but absolutely a MUST HAVE. Genetic World was made if cooperation with famous artists like Peaches and Iggy Pop. The second one - Angel milk I still have to buy. I want originals - they're absolutely worth it. Well, if you want to get unplugged that is.
Kill that Monday already!
Jaaaa ei, kakšen dan je biu to dans?
Prov ni blo konca obveznosim in neprijetnostim. Da o vremenu ne govorim.
Just breathe :)
"breathe, breathe in the air
don't be afraid to care
leave, but don't leave me..." etc
Pink Floyd
I like "breathe" by Sia as well
Mondays suck dogs balls (deja vu?)
lucy - bedn dan indeed, pa še laufat nisem mogla zarad dežja. grrrrrr.
@justin - garfield was right, Mondays do suck!
??ha?? dež ni dost dober izgovor da ne greš laufat;)
Brez skrbi, sem danes vse nadoknadila :)
Hope you are still breathing. How's Wednesday working?
Breathing yes, relaxing not really. I'm up to my neck in French structuralism.
Wanna trade places ;)?
I need something to kill thursday!!!
YES!!! I'll swop, tho' I'm a Post-structuralist drinker, sorry thinker..
Calm down Betty!
Betty - draw another superhero!
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