One thing that it's safe to say about Slovenian public transport is that it's nothing like German or Dutch. You can't rely on it, it's rarely on time and if you miss it you could be waiting for hours before another bus/trains arrives. So I guess there's no need to explain why people avoid using it, despite the ecological issues.
So it's pretty much love and hate relationship where love mostly refers to situations between 3 and 5 a.m. - a time when city bus is a true superhero of intoxicated party nation.
Don't let the simplicity of use fool you, public transport can harm your health - mental health that is. So you shouldn't use it unless you're fully equipped. For
shorter rides you'll do fine only with:
- An mp3 player, dwarf hamster, Babel fish or any other device that will protect your from overhearing teenage morning
gossip wisdoms, random phone conversation of people with no feeling for loudness and music of people with no taste.
- The look - you'll need to get one ASAP as it will protect you from having to talk to random people. You'll learn to appreciate The look especially in the mornings, when you're still high on melatonin. To get the look just imagine you're being picked up by a fat hairy man with a beer breath, whos only association connected to shower is golden. Hold it right there! Yes, that's exactly the look.
However for
longer rides, you'll also need:
- A bag which you will use as a shield. As you will notice different people have different understanding of familiar strangers. E.g. some will want to get more familiar with you by invading you with their groceries. Other will want you to get familiar with their unique body odor.
- A book - good thing to keep you occupied in that priceless: "Do not disturb, I'm reading" mood. Do not mistaken it with a newspaper or a magazine - people consider those as a an invitation to stare across your shoulder.
- Balance - you'll need it to keep your feet on the ground in the curves. I've got absolutely no tips on how to get it but I've got quite a few on how to loose it.
- A theme song - it'll shorten and enlighten your public transport user experience so it better not be a ballad. If you can't think of any good theme song use a tested one - it's the best I've heard so far.
So here's to many exciting public transport experiences and do share your horror stories with your fellow bloggers. We know how to appreciate it.