Did it every happen to you that you misunderstood the lyrics of a song? It's quite usual phenomenon with metal or hard rock tracks, where singers scream, mumble or moan to the microphone. For some songs it's even hard to figure out which language they sing in. However it can also happen with totally random songs.
Like Status Quo's "
In the army now". For some weird reason I thought they were singing "
oooooooooooh you're in Miami now" when they actually sung "Oh, oh, you're in the army now". I know it makes no sense at all, but I guess senses sometimes play tricks with our brains
(or is it the other way around).
Anyway, funniest misheard lyrics I heard came from my friends. Instead of
Relight my fire they heard "We like Papaya". Untill I recently discovered
Misheard lyrics. Plenty of fun guaranteed. I chose only few pearls and leave you to discover some more...
The Police: Every Breath You TakeOriginal Lyrics:I'll be watching you.
Misheard Lyrics:I'll be washing you.
Original Lyrics:How my poor heart aches
Misheard Lyrics:How my poo hole aches
Original Lyrics:Every night you stay.
Misheard Lyrics:Every nacho's dead.
System Of A Down: AerialsOriginal Lyrics:Aerials in the sky
When you lose small mind, you free your life.
Misheard Lyrics:Aerials in disguise
When you lose your life, you fell alright.
Aerials, in the sky
When you lose your mind, you freakin' die.
Madonna: Who's That Girl?Original Lyrics:Senorita, mas fina
Misheard Lyrics:Senorita, must feed her
Madonna: VogueOriginal Lyrics:Strike a pose.
Misheard Lyrics:Strike a pony.
U2: OneOriginal Lyrics:It's too late tonight to bring the past out into the light.
Misheard Lyrics:It's too late, tonight, to bring the pasta into the light.
Original Lyrics:Love is a temple.
Misheard Lyrics:Love is a tampon.
REM: Shiny Happy PeopleOriginal Lyrics:Shiny happy people laughing
Misheard Lyrics:Chinese happy people laughing
Shiny crappy people laughing.
Original Lyrics:Shiny happy people holding hands
Misheard Lyrics:Shiny happy people, holy cow.
Shiny, happy ceilings holdings pans