Generally I like rain. It can be liberating, passionate and relaxing at the same time. However I hope the rain is done for this week, because I am off to vacation. This time a proper one, where I get to leave work at home and relax. Pretty much every workaholics nightmare. Will I make it? Not sure, but it's definitely worth trying.
I'm thinking sun, sea, book, drinks and good company. In case of rain probably just the last two but more often.
For everyone who doesn't like rain - no rain, no rainbow :). This one is from Sunday:

Enjoy it while I'll be soaking in salty waters...
Upam, da internetna abstinenčna kriza ne bo prehuda (preventivno priporočam kakšen ekstra požirek tekile), vreme sea-friendly in dopust vreden nekajdnevnega odklopa od civilizacijskih zasvojenosti.
Max uživaj!
yeah! hvala :)
pravzaprav bo internetna detoksikacija prišla zelo prav, saj bom končno prebrala kakšno dobro knjigo in nafutrala svojo filmofilsko lakoto.
Can't wait...
there had also been one great doubled rainbow befored the weekend began ;)
i hope you are not getting one by the sea ;)
we didn't :)
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